
1 entries found.

Rank 4

Plague on the Land
With this spell the Red Order can call down the blight of the dead lands upon crops and fields, stripping them bare. As the ritual reaches the height of its power the sky is darkened with swarms of locusts which descend from all points of the compass to consume every living things. Even animals and Keldians who stray too deep into the swarm may be devoured by these sorcerous insects! The spell summons enough insects to devastate an area of up to 3 square klegs, while inflicting 5 damage on the Mage summoning it. The swarm will feast for an hour and then disperse. The Mage, however, may pay a further 1 Health or D6 fatigue per hour to force the swarm to devastate a further area equal to its initial size, and can keep doing this for as long as he retains consciousness. This spell, when it is used, is usually cast by a circle of Mages combining their power.
power+1 initial square Kleg per 2 Power Levels for +1 damage, or plus 1 free hour of effect.